
Gap Year

High SChool
Undergraduate Eligibility
SEA welcomes applications from undergraduate students enrolled at US or international colleges or universities who have an interest in studying the ocean from a variety of perspectives. Students from most majors—including but not limited to the sciences, social sciences, and humanities — can participate in SEA programs. While there is no GPA requirement, we take a holistic view of each student’s application through their academic record, submitted references, and motivation and goals for the selected program. Some programs have specific prerequisites for admission.
Review our Essential Eligibility Criteria to be sure SEA is right for you.
Rolling Admissions
All programs operate on a rolling admissions basis, meaning we review each application once all materials are submitted and considered complete. Each SEA program has a limited capacity with a maximum of 24 or 25 students. We accept applications up to one year in advance and encourage students to apply early to ensure availability of their first-choice program.
Fall Programs
Financial aid priority deadline
April 15
Application deadline
June 1
Spring Programs
Financial aid priority deadline
October 15
Application deadline
November 1
Summer Programs
Financial aid priority deadline
March 15
Application deadline
May 1
Application Process
Access the online application portal, and you will be guided through the process.
You will be required to submit:
- Online application form
- Official transcripts
- Two academic references
- An academic writing sample
- Short answer essay questions
- Participation Approval Form from your home school
Once your application is complete, you will schedule a short interview with an admissions staff member. Admissions decisions are made generally within two weeks of completion of the interview. The SEA financial application process takes place after you’ve been accepted and is completed through the same portal.
Next Steps
GAp Year Eligibility
SEA welcomes applications for selected programs from high school graduates who have deferred their college acceptance or will matriculate in the spring semester and have an interest in understanding the ocean and environmental issues from a variety of perspectives.
Students can choose to earn a full semester of college credit or opt to participate fully on a non-credit basis (i.e. for colleges who do not allow credit bearing programs for deferred students).. We take a holistic view of each student’s application through their academic record, submitted references, and motivation and goals for the selected program.
Review our Essential Eligibility Criteria to be sure SEA is right for you.
Rolling Admissions
All programs operate on a rolling admissions basis, meaning we review each application once all materials are submitted and considered complete. Each SEA program has a limited capacity with a maximum of 24 or 25 students. We accept applications up to one year in advance and encourage students to apply early since some programs may fill before the stated deadline.
Fall Programs
Financial aid priority deadline
April 15
Application deadline
June 1
Spring Programs
Financial aid priority deadline
October 15
Application deadline
November 1
Summer Programs
Financial aid priority deadline
March 15
Application deadline
May 1
Application Process
Access the online application portal, and you will be guided through the process.
You will be required to submit:
- Online application form
- College admissions or deferred admissions letter
- Official high school transcript
- Two references
- An academic writing sample
- Short answer essay questions
Once your application is complete, you will schedule a short interview with an admissions staff member. Admissions decisions are made generally within two weeks of completion of the interview.
Next Steps
High SChool Eligibility
SEA welcomes applications from current high school students, including graduating seniors, who have successfully completed at least one high school level science and one high school level mathematics course, and have an interest in understanding the ocean and environmental issues from a variety of perspectives. Rising freshmen will be considered for the virtual programs only. We review each application carefully, with an emphasis on student interest, motivation, and goals for the selected program.
Each SEA high school program has a limited capacity with a maximum of 20- 25 students. We accept summer applications beginning in the preceding fall and encourage students to apply early since some programs may fill before the stated deadline.
Review our Essential Eligibility Criteria to be sure SEA is right for you.
Application Deadlines
Application Deadline 1
January 15
January 30
Application Deadline 2
February 28
March 14
Rolling Admissions
March 30 - capacity
Application Process
Access the online application portal where you will be guided through the entire process. You will be required to complete the following in order to be considered by the application deadline:
- Online application form
- Official high school transcript
- One academic reference
- Short answer essay questions
Once your application is complete, you will schedule a short interview with an admissions staff member if you are applying to SEA Expedition or SEA Pre-College. Admissions decisions are made within two weeks of the application deadline.