
PEP Staff Share Lessons Learned for Virtual Summer Internships in ASLO Bulletin

October 28, 2020
PEP online

Onjalé Scott Price, acting director of this past summer’s Woods Hole Partnership Education Program (PEP), along with co-authors Kelly Luis, André Price, SEA Assistant Professor of Oceanography Ben Harden, Joniqua Howard, Luis Valentin, George Liles, and Ambrose Jearld, Jr., have published a report on the program, with lessons learned for other organizations seeking to adapt summer internships for virtual delivery. The paper, “Same Program Different Delivery: Adapting the Woods Hole Partnership Education Program for a Virtual Era,” was published today in the Association for the Sciences of Limnology and Oceanography (ASLO) Bulletin.

The Woods Hole Partnership Education Program was founded over a decade ago with the goal of attracting a more diverse workforce to the Woods Hole scientific community. Every summer, students from underrepresented communities come to Woods Hole, stay on the SEA campus, participate in academic coursework and conduct research internships.  This past summer, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the program was virtual.

Read the full paper.

Contact: Douglas Karlson, Director of Communications | 508-444-1918 | [email protected] |

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