SEA Semester Students Use Lightweight CTD to Study Coral Reefs and Mangroves

SEA in the NEWS
“Sampling by Snorkelling: Using the RBRconcerto C.T.D. to sample mangroves and coral reefs in the Florida Keys”
RBR Ltd.
The following article appeared on the website of RBR Ltd, a company in Ottawa, Canada, that designs and manufactures oceanographic instruments that track water parameters such as temperature, depth, salinity, dissolved gases, and pH.
“Snorkelling through coral reefs and kayaking through mangroves is undoubtedly not how most ocean scientists would think to deploy a CTD. But thanks to RBR’s easy-to-use, lightweight CTD, SEA Semester students researching coral reefs and mangroves along the Florida Keys were able to do just that.
Based in Woods Hole, Massachusetts, Sea Education Association (SEA) is a leading non-profit, independent educational institution focused on environmental studies and the world’s oceans. Hoping to engage and inspire the next generation of ocean leaders, their flagship study abroad program – SEA Semester – allows undergraduate students to participate on a research voyage focused on a unique ocean theme.”
Contact: Douglas Karlson, Director of Communications, 508-444-1918 | [email protected] |