Mini Boat Launched by SEA Receives International Attention

SEA in the NEWS
After 462 Days At Sea, a Mini Boat Launched by New Hampshire Middle School Students Washed Ashore in Norway
By Margaret Osborne
Smithsonian Magazine
Feb 23, 2022
In early February, a five-foot-long miniature boat built by students in New Hampshire in 2020 was found on the Norwegian island of Smøla. The little boat traveled over 8,000 miles across the Atlantic in 462 days.
A Norwegian student found a boat launched by New Hampshire middle schoolers in 2020
NPR News
Feb. 16, 2022
The remains of a miniboat launched by New Hampshire middle schoolers have been discovered by a sixth-grade student in Norway, 462 days and more than 8,300 miles later.
It was an eventful journey for the 5.5-foot boat, which was built by two consecutive middle school science classes in partnership with the nonprofit organization Educational Passages and first set sail (uncrewed) from Massachusetts in October 2020. The boat’s GPS reported intermittently over the years until the end of January, when a family recovered it from an uninhabited Norwegian island thanks to a social media connection.
Contact: Douglas Karlson, Director of Communications | 508-444-1918 | [email protected] |