SEA’s Dr. Kara Lavender Law Delivers Keynote Lecture at Middlebury’s Clifford Symposium
September 26, 2019

SEA Semester in the NEWS
Middlebury Newsroom
“It’s an ‘Unfathomable’ Amount, Says Ocean Plastics Expert”
MIDDLEBURY, Vt. – Around 2007, Kara Lavender Law began hearing public reports of a floating patch of garbage in the Pacific Ocean—a great island of trash, of cast-off plastic polluting the world’s waters.
It came as a surprise to Lavender Law. As a research professor of oceanography at Sea Education Association (SEA) in Falmouth, Mass., she’d sailed and studied those waters, as had countless colleagues—not to mention decades’ worth of student researchers aboard the SEA Semester expeditions.
Contact: Douglas Karlson, Director of Communications | 508-444-1918 | [email protected] |