A lot of time for self-reflection, drawing, reading and sailing (things I normally don’t do)

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Ship’s Log
Noon Position
34° 42.4’N 056° 54.5’W
Ship Heading
095° (East)
Ship Speed
5.1 Knots
Taffrail Log
1253 NM
Weather / Wind / Sail Plan
Sailing under the two staysl’s with shallow reefed Mains’l c/o 095 degrees for a speed of 4.2 KT wind SSE F4, Sea, SSE 1-2ft Skies 8/8st. Baro. 1020.0 MB nav and sailing lights on.
Description of location
North Sargasso
Today was my Birthday!
Hello to my family at home! You haven’t heard from me in a while so here is a quick update – I am doing fantastic! This experience has given so much to me already. It’s astonishing. My hopes are high and the people I’m with are awesome, my brothers and sisters of the sea! I am keen to learn more and ready to get up every day (even at 1 in the morning). I think of you all every moment!
A nice day out on the water
These past few days have been breathtaking both in exhaustion and beauty! Life on a ship has a lot of similarities to home life with the exception of work- we have down time so we can read, draw, reflect on ourselves, dance, sing etc. Things we normally don’t participate in around others twenty-four seven or at all (like me). Since we have no internet and Wi-Fi we have to make our own fun – and you know what? I am getting along just fine! Things I normally don’t do like draw and read I find myself doing a lot when given the opportunity during my down time. We were even given the option to get our phones back for pictures and music for field day (when we clean the entire ship) but I saw no reason to take it back.-yes dad I know this is very hard to believe, but it’s the truth!
There are still so many things I keep learning about myself while on this ship! It’s mind boggling. I’ve done everything from sail handling to picking apart Sargassum and although I do hold some favorites over others I do not dislike any job on the ship. Some of my favorites would have to be plotting our position on the chart and doing a 100-count of phytoplankton. There are still so many things I wish to participate in still. Never a dull day either, always something new and exciting.
I can never say enough about the people I’m with – such happy souls! Beautiful people with amazing dreams. It’s with these people that I feel most comfortable with, to share my emotions, It’s them that’s making this whole sailing experience fantastic- not the activities, all the new materials- the people. Not that the activities and materials don’t matter, they do it’s just that the people are the ones that bring it all together – EVERYONE. It feels like family, that’s why I feel so comfortable on this ship!
Me (Robbie) wining my semifinal match against Katherine (assistant scientist).
Sunsets in the evening, sunrises on dawn watch, all of the stars at night. The magnificent beauty of this world is glorified by living out at sea. I see things that are most astonishing on my watches. I’ve already drawn a small sunset in my notebook to try and convey the astonishment while sitting atop the lap roof on deck. How I wish more people can see these as it is difficult to put into writing and more of a feeling of purity to ones conscience as you go about your business on Corwith Cramer.
OH, and all the creatures of the ocean – whales and dolphins pop up every so often to give us good luck wishes as we voyage on, which are also amazing spectacles as the whales spew out water into the air and the dolphins dance off of the bow of the ship. There’s really not enough time to be sad or unhappy for me on this journey. There’s so much to be grateful for, it’s a miracle I’m even here now! I still can’t fully grasp that concept – so I simply live in the moment.
For today: It was my birthday! First birthday away from home actually. It was wonderful. I’m glad I got to share it with all of the crew and students. I had morning watch today on dish duty and before work had even started I heard a call from on deck- “Birthday dolphins! Robbie!” and sure enough as I made my way up the salon ladder and to the bow the dolphins shot out of the water with delight (there were even little baby ones that were just as precious as it swam in sync with the parents), after that happy outcome we spent the morning gybing – striking the Jib and Jibtops’l and helping out with science morning station (I helped with the j-frame). After watch had ended it was time for field day.
I forgot to mention the delicious cake the galley gave me during snack brake as well! Before field day we had a competitive rock, paper, scissors challenge for entertainment that I had managed to win against everyone! During field day I was delegated to washing the shower then soles of the salon. OVERALL 10/10 birthday – absolutely brilliant!
“The world owes you nothing, it was here first.” – Mark Twain. – So make the most out of it.
– Robert Murdock, B watch.