A Manifesto for the First Three Days Onboard

Author: Katherine Rigney, 3rd assistant scientist
Ship’s Log
Alongside Gallows Bay, St. Croix, USVIs
Warm, sunny weather with breeze and clouds in the evenings
What’s a sole? Where does that go? How do you make the coffee? Where do we keep brooms? Why is someone waking me up? Am I supposed to be eating breakfast right now? Am I allowed to go up there? Wait, that OPENS? Why is there a picture of a water cooler hanging in the main salon? Is it main salon or main saloon? Which spatulas are for dish respecting? Do you think this is a half shallow or half deep hotel pan? Is my harness supposed to look like that? What line is that? What’s that used for? Which computer has student folders on it? How do you process chlorophyll-a? Why does the lab need to be dark to process pH? How do you put the cover back on the hydrowinch? Like, is there a trick to it? No? What color microfiber is for the soles in the heads? That means the floors in the bathrooms, right? Am I allowed to sit on this? Am I supposed to be doing something right now? When is snack? What’s for lunch? What fish is that? Is it even on my ID guide?
Why am I so SWEATY? Where should I keep my shoes? How do you do laundry? How do you tell wind speed? Should that hatch be open? Is that sound normal? Is that smell normal? Is that light supposed to be on? What are dock lines actually supposed to look like? Do I need to drink more water? How do you use the J-frame? Why don’t we call it another letter, like an A-frame? How do you palm a line? Where is my muster station? Who should I ask about getting a diaper for a leak in my bunk? Where is the snorkel gear? Can you teach me to weave a hat? Where is the thermometer? Should I write down the wet temperature or the dry temperature? Will the Coast Guard arrest me if I write the wrong one? How do you heave-to? When was the last time I put on sunscreen? Is 7:30 pm too early to go to bed? Who here plays guitar? Has everyone gotten dinner, can I have seconds? Is that trash can supposed to be lined or unlined? Where is the water sample we brought back from snorkeling?
How fast does that water need to get processed? What am I allowed to use as a handle in the lower engine room and what will burn me and/or break something? What’s the next thing on the schedule? Where is the Harry Potter locker? Why don’t we have any of the Harry Potter books onboard? Will that stay secure when we get underway? How do you launch the rescue boat? How many people fit in this van? How is it possible to sunburn JUST the backs of your calves? Where is the best place to keep my water bottle? What time is 1730? Is my bunk the sweatiest place in the universe, or is everyone’s like that? Is it going to squall tonight? When is my dock watch? What’s a traveler outhaul? Will I ever know the answer to all the things I’m confused about right now?
(Hint: the answer is yes. The first few days onboard are an onslaught. You’re doing an outstanding job.)
– Katherine Rigney, 3rd assistant scientist
Contact: Douglas Karlson, Director of Communications, 508-444-1918 | [email protected]