Afternoon thoughts

Ship’s Log
Noon Position
39 deg 34.1’ N, 065 deg 54.6’ W
Ship Heading
165 deg
Ship Speed
6 knots
Taffrail Log
467.2 nautical miles
Weather / Wind / Sail Plan
Weather is light breeze, with 2 / 8ths of cumulus clouds. Wind comes from NxE with a force 4. Sailing under the four lowers and plan to continue.
Description of location
Travelling over slope waters, passed by Pickett Seamount. We have now entered international waters.
As I look out into the horizon, I wonder how these days could get any better. Although I have constantly thought to myself: “Man, I should have worked out more,” I find the strain and excitement running though my body invigorating, leaving me wanting more. Pulling on the halyards to bring up the sails is what is most draining, but the most jaw dropping thought of “Wow, I did that!” makes it worth the struggle.
Never had I imagined being able to tug on some rope as hard as I can at two in the morning, and be happy while doing it.
Matt, Allen, Camilla, Aleea, and Kayla out on the bowsprit furling the jib
These past few days have gone by in such a blur, that I have only just realized what a blessing it is to be here. The exciting things I have seen have only brought me closer to the idea of finding more.
I wake up every day excited to find something new to tell the people I love.
Aleea (left) and Allen (right) aloft for man overboard drill.
For example, I saw a turtle! From where we’re at now it is less likely to see a sea turtle, so I’d like you all to remember who saw the first one. Not only have I seen a turtle, I have also seen multiple dolphins! (Or as I like to think of it, multiple Bonnies. I say that because my mom has always said she would be a dolphin if she could be any animal.)
As I find new things to love about the ocean, I am also filled with thoughts about returning home. I find myself thinking maybe the boat life isn’t for me, but I am filled with joy knowing I am in the right place at the right time and beyond blessed to be experiencing these things while I still can. Happy birthday dad! Thank you for making my dreams come true. I can’t wait to tell you about it when I see you again. I miss you all so dearly and will forever love you; God only knows what I’d be without you (Beach Boys wink ), thank you for everything. I’ll see you in a while crocodiles.
With peace and love,