We’re Becoming Sailors!

Ship’s Log
Noon Position
38° 39.9’ N x 063° 31.4’ W
Ship Heading
Ship Speed
3.6 knots
Taffrail Log
706.8 nautical miles
Weather / Wind / Sail Plan
Wind: SSW force 5 (17-21 knots). Waves: SW 3-5 ft. Clouds: 5/8 coverage, cumulus/ stratus. Sail plan: Three of the four lowers (Mains’l, Main Stays’l, Fore Stays’l)
“Who would have thought that a small, volunteer deckhand position that I started at 15 would lead me to this ship, my dream, and all of you who I now call family” – A thought I had while on watch the other day.
Where do I even begin.? We have only been underway for a week and it feels like it’s been a month already with how much we have learned. I joined this beautiful ship with minimal sailing knowledge and now me and my watch mates are passing stays’ls and hauling halyards to gybe, by ourselves. How incredible!
Fun on the head rig during sunset (Brier, Taylor)
We sailed through a squall this evening and are passing through another one as I type. This day has been a lot of fun for all of us and it’s not quite over yet. With that being said, there has not been a single dull moment so far. I have loved every second I have been with the SSV Corwith Cramer. even the moments when I am exhausted and my body hurts from standing watch and handling sails all day, I can look back at the day and still be in complete awe of how much I have learned and seeing what I am capable of. Every day, I find myself ecstatic to go to watch, even when I am waking up at 1230 to stand watch from 0100-0700. I am in this mode where I am so excited to learn more and master skills to keep this ship sailing. I feel like I can’t possibly get enough and I want to learn everything that I possibly can, from shooting stars with the sextant to memorizing the names and functions of all the lines on every pin.
At the same time as taking in my new environment and learning, I do think about my home in Hawai’i as well as my friends and family who wished me farewell on this voyage. To all of you, I think about you every day, I miss you, and I love you! I look forward to seeing you all on land again and telling you all of the stories.
Hauling the main sheet on the high seas (Colin, Kayla, Allen, Rob, Phoenix, James, Joey, Ava, Jenna).
Finally I would like to mention that today is a special day. Today is my dad’s birthday so… Happy birthday dad! You will be pleased to know that I finally memorized and understand the points of sail. My watch and sail through foul weather today goes out to you.
With all of my heart,
Taylor Hunt, C watch, Coastal Carolina University