Orientation Station Rotation Explanation

Evan Sorlie, B Watch, SUNY ESF
Ship’s Log
Noon Position: (Lat and Long)
Alongside at Gallows Bay, Christiansted, St. Croix
Ship Heading (degrees)
Ship Speed (knots)
Taffrail Log (nm)
0 nm
Weather / Wind / Sail Plan (from 1300 Watch Change)
Description of location: (e.g. 100 nm SE of Newfoundland over Georges Bank!)
Alongside at Gallows Bay, Christiansted, St. Croix
Giving thanks today. A crazy day, this one. With two thanksgiving meals today, one being vegan at the Feather Leaf Inn (thanks Indra!) and one being turkey and gravy-based (thanks Alex and Mac!), I’ve a lot to be thankful for. As implied, today is the day that C-306 is getting on the SSV Corwith Cramer. We left the Feather Leaf Inn (FLI, pronounced “FLY”, as Elle insists) at 1400, arriving in Christiansted to a Cramer filled with crew covered in matching white “SEA” shirts. We piled our bags into our new bunk assignments, and began the introduction to our watch standings. I’m Bravo watch, and my bunk is right at the bow of the boat (as I write this, I’m curious just how much turbulence I’ll experience during my slumber).
Science team prepping to get our computers set us up on the ship’s network.
We began “orientation station rotations” as chief mate Nate coined them, B watch starting with engineering, then science deck, then lines followed by boat checks. Information overload, might I add. The engine room was sweaty and sauna-like, but somehow enjoyable. The ins-and-outs and nooks-and-crannies of the Corwith Cramer were displayed to us as we explored the cavernous labyrinth that lies below deck. It was so exciting to see the passion of deckhands, mates, engineers, stews, and scientists as they introduced us to our home for the next month.
After such a change of scenery, I sit presently sit in the main saloon and am shocked by how different everything is already. It’s late, so red light is the primary visual. Fans of students unbeknownst to how warm they’d be whirr from every direction. The whole boat smells like wood (for the most part) which is pretty pleasant.
The lot of us are thankful that we have the opportunity to be here, surrounded by like-minded scientists and sailors. This has been a supremely unorthodox thanksgiving, yet by no means a bad one. I miss my family as they are gathering in Michigan, as per tradition. I’m thankful this year that my family has allowed me to blaze my own path and venture into places I never thought I’d go (a tall ship studying oceanography being a prime example). I’m thankful for my friends for their unwavering support and being such a keystone whenever I’m home. Lastly, I’m thankful for the friends that I’ve made here so far, and the several more (literally doubled? Today??) that I will make on our voyage. Happy Thanksgiving!
Evan Sorlie, B Watch, SUNY ESF
P.S. A very special Happy Birthday to my sister Amelia, who’s birthday on November 25th often gets outshined by her holiday predecessor. I wish you the best of days and am excited to see you at Christmas!