Climate Change & Coastal Resilience: Aotearoa New Zealand - Spring 2026

Undergraduate Program
Climate change significantly impacts communities residing near and relying on the ocean.

Increasingly, residents of vulnerable coastal communities are on the front lines in the struggle against rising seas and strengthening storm cycles. That struggle also raises complex issues of climate justice and public health, everywhere from large urban areas to small rural towns and villages.

Climate Change and Coastal Resilience, a mid-level undergraduate program examines the ways climate change is affecting coastal communities and explores strategies for building coastal resilience.

Beginning with a shore program in Woods Hole, students gain a theoretical understanding of climate change impacts on societies, ecosystems, and economies. The academic curriculum includes lectures from leading climate scientists and policy experts and field trips to local research institutions in surrounding area. Students engage in discussions on topics such as rising sea levels, increased storm intensity, and ocean acidification.

Following the shore program, students embark on a sailing voyage from Auckland to Christchurch, visiting several coastal towns and cities along the way. During their time at sea, students gain hands-on research experience through the deployment of oceanographic research equipment.  At port stops, students will connect with local experts and community members to better understand the ways in which climate change is impacting the region.

Spring 2026
Jan 5 - Mar 27
Jan 5 - Feb 15
Woods Hole, MA
Feb 17 - Mar 27
At Sea
Apply Now

Learning Objectives

Students participating in this program can expect the following:
Examine strategies for building coastal resilience and mitigating the impacts of sea level rise
Interact with local stakeholders, environmental activists, and urban design and climate change experts
Sail the Pacific and learn how climate change is affecting coastal communities

Port Stops

*Port stops are not guaranteed and will be evaluated based on weather conditions closer to the sea component.






Academic Credit

Course Descriptions & Syllabi

This program carries 17 semester hour credits from Boston University for successful completion of the program.

Syllabi for previous years are available for review. Detailed course content for future programs is dependent on cruise track, seasons, port stops, current events and faculty, and will be available closer to the program start date.

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