Programs Blog

Squalls, squalls, and… more squalls

November 06, 2020
Kerren and Alexis aloft on the lower yard
Kerren and Alexis aloft on the lower yard

Catherine Ayer, C Watch, gap year student

Ship’s Log

Present Location
21° 28.2’ N x 071° 10.9’ W

Ship’s Heading, Speed and Sail plan
Hove-to under mainstays’l

Cloudy, Seas ESE 1 ft, Wind SE, but finally no squalls

Souls on Board

All blogs from C-294

Hello to all! We’ve had an interesting last 24 hours, especially on C Watch.

It seems that with a rotation of mates and scientists and now starting JWO/JLO phase the weather has also shifted. Not quite trial by fire, more so trial by rain. For I believe every single watch we have had with this new dynamic, C Watch has encountered at least one squall. Unfortunately that means that we typically do turnovers to A Watch in the rain. But one upside to all this interesting weather is that I have gotten to see my watch mates truly blossom as leaders and become more and more comfortable with leading the way for the rest of the watch.Grand Turk Island

From a different perspective, as I have now been both JWO and JLO, I have seen and felt the support of my entire watch behind me as I try to navigate new responsibilities. I think I can say that being JWO is definitely an adjustment for many. We now have to run the watch, and make our own decisions on what others should do. But I always know I can turn to others and ask for their ideas and help.

Another exciting thing that has happened is that we were able to go aloft!

It has been highly anticipated for much of this trip, and the day finally arrived. I for one am not a big fan of heights, but I made up my mind to do it. Climbing up the shrouds I was just focused on hand over hand, don’t let go. But once you reach the top you are greeted with beautiful views of Grand Turk Island, the ocean, and the Cramer below you. It was definitely worth the wait.

– Catherine Ayer, gap year student

PS: To Mom, Dad, Jordan, and the rest of my family: I love and miss you all, and I can’t wait to tell you everything. To my friends: I did it! And I only got seasick once, I swear.