Programs Blog

Taking Off!

July 02, 2024
Watch B Appreciating Dancing Lobster Spatch(Spatch, Lawrence,

Author: Keila, Iz, Bennett, Addie (Watch B)

Ship’s Log

Monday, July 1st, 2024
Position (Lat and Long): 41deg 07.9’N, 070deg 47.5’W
Log (nm): 30
Weather / Wind and Sail Plan: Clear and sunny, Main sail, Main Stay sail,
Fore stay sail, Top sail
Description of where we are sailing: Rhode Island Sound

Shipmates headed straight to emergency drills after being fueled by
breakfast tacos thanks, Stewards! We learned how to fight the unlikely
dangers of fires, floods, man over board, and abandon ship. Everyone tried
on the immersion suits, rocking the new lobster style. After an intensive
educational morning with bonding between watch groups, we finally set
sail!!! These shipmates began their expedition by rigging the sails and
starting watch schedules.

Far from the docks, all shipmates took to the lines with deckhands calling
out, “ready on the halyard!” The air filled with the enthusiastic call back
shouts from shipmates. To encourage our final haul, Chief mate Johnny
hollered, “Science states the louder you yell, the harder you pull!!”

As the day progressed, we settled into our watch schedules. Watch A started
their shift, while other watches snoozed, relaxed, and bonded. Since the
skies were clear, crew members rushed to the deck to enjoy the beautiful
sunset. Although the day appeared to be ending, it was only the start for
Watch B. In the dark of night, this watch aided in the galley clean up and
conducted a Neuston net deployment to collect zooplankton.

Keila, Iz, Bennett, Addie (Watch B)