Programs Blog
Dawn Watch

Author: Beans (AKA Courtney Boucher), B Watch, Deckhand
Ship’s Log
Noon Position
19 23.94′ N x 66 21.65′ W
Ship Heading (degrees)
Ship Speed (knots)
Taffrail Log (nm)
Weather / Wind / Sail Plan (from 1300 Watch Change)
26.6 C, cumulus clouds above, easterly winds, force 4 Beaufort scale. Sailing under the four lowers with a shallow reefed main and the jib up
Just under 50 nm north or Puerto Rico!
Mama Cramer during a cloudier night.
Good morning! Yes, it is 1230, but no I didn’t quite get a full night’s sleep last night. That’s because B watch got to stand for dawn watch between 0100 and 0700. A few blog posts before this have mentioned singing to the stars while on dawn watch, but I’m here to spill the tea and let y’all know that’s not the only thing going on.
For those six, though unusual, hours, both science and deck operate at full capacity. We set and strike sails, process samples, log weather and boat checks, steer at the helm, stand lookout, and create navigation and science reports for the next day’s class. All of this happens by the light of the stars and moon, or occasionally by red light; we make sure to keep any white light to a minimum to enhance our night vision. On top of all this, each watch is a member short because that person will be in the galley as assistant steward all the next day, and we want our stewards to be well rested!
What our night-time view looked like closer to shore.
This morning’s dawn watch, as with any other dawn watch, was full of yawns, cups of coffee and tea, mid rats (our third snack of the day) and of course laughs. Anyone who has the pleasure of standing lookout under an open sky, wind blowing away noise, boat rocking and bobbing beneath you (picture the Rose and Jack bow scene from Titanic, but it’s dark and you’re solo), knows it’s more than appropriate to sing – loudly. By the end of your hour on lookout, song lyrics blend and sometimes you’ve run through your whole repertoire of songs you actually know the words to. So naturally, by the time you are reunited with the rest of your watch, you couldn’t be more psyched. Giggles abound and something about dawn watch naturally brings out the goofiness in everyone. Dawn watch is certainly bizarre time of day to be up with a purpose, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything else. Especially because the reward for standing dawn watch is a beautiful sunrise right before breakfast and a nap.
P.S. Hi Mom and Dad and Cam and Grammie and Grampy and AK! Miss and love you guys. Sending you warm thoughts from here to New England and CO hehe.
Sil helping the engineers test our water maker’s output – straight from the source!
P.P.S. Also Tegan would like to say hi to her mum, dad, and brother and let them know that she loves and misses them lots. Hugs and kisses. Also, happy belated birthday to her mom. <3 <3 <3
P.P.P.S. Antoine would like to send kisses to Mom, Dad, Emilie, les kids, Tonton et Laurannette, Papi et Isabelle, et Alain et Lulu. Special shout out to Leanne and Glenn in Newfoundland? All is well under the sun, I miss you all dearly. Won’t be in touch until March 25th. Particular attention to sweet little Andrew who I hope is doing well! Can’t wait to see you in 4 weeks on a Dutch sandy beach (for a change of scenery). Milles bisouss
P.P.P.P.S. Hi to the fam from Gisela!! Fam and friends. We’re having lots of fun, don’t worry. Sending hugs back on the wind and the waves. See you soon with good pics!
P.P.P.P.P.S. Hi to Zoe from Will L-S. I love you and I miss you. Things are going well here but I cannot wait to see you when I’m back!
P.P.P.P.P.P.S. Hello family! Remember that we are looking at the same moon and stars every night. I hope you guys are having beautiful days. I know I am. Mwah √Gabu
– Beans (AKA Courtney Boucher), B Watch, Deckhand
Contact: Douglas Karlson, Director of Communications, 508-444-1918 | [email protected]
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