Programs Blog
Live Passionately, Fully, Full of Laughter, and Soup – Dreams Do Come True

March 5, 2025
Location: SEA Campus, Woods Hole, Massachusetts, USA
Weather: A mild 52 degrees Fahrenheit, with a mix of sunny and cloudy skies, and 23 mph winds
Hello everyone! My name is Ella Skonieczny, also nicknamed “Sketch” or “Sketchy.” I am a sophomore at Eckerd College in St. Petersburg, Florida double majoring in Marine Science and Environmental Studies and minoring in French. I am so extremely excited to be here at SEA’s campus in Woods Hole, MA and am really looking forward to our time underway on the Robert C. Seamans when we begin to navigate the Pacific!
Being here, as a student at SEA is very surreal for me. As a young child my family would often vacation in Cape Cod and Martha’s Vineyard. As enthralled with marine science and the ocean then, as I still am now, while on the Cape we frequently went on whale watches in the surrounding coastal waters.
At the end of one particular whale watch my mom encouraged me to go and talk with the marine biologist onboard. A little shy, but very intrigued, I went up to the marine biologist with some questions such as, “How do I become just like you?!” as my eyes lit up and a smile spread across my face. The marine biologist responded with the story of his journey and what he had done to get to his current position. He then encouraged me to go visit the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute and the aquarium in town and promptly handed me his business card with “Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute” spread across the front. Little did I know it then, but my life fueled by my passions, dreams, ambitions, and absolute love for the ocean would lead me back to Woods Hole once again. A little bit older and wiser, and a little bit more life lived under my belt, I have arrived back in Woods Hole. Ready to continue to grow into the young professional scientists, marine advocate, and educator that I aspire to be. I am back in the place that ignited my dreams and enveloped me into the holds of its seas as a young girl and now a young woman who will splash in the chilly waves all day. I am so grateful to be here and for the adventure that lies ahead.
Our lives here at SEA have been very busy! Our week consists of attending classes including Nautical Science, Ocean Science and Public Policy, Advanced Topics in Biological Oceanography, Directed Research, and Environmental Communication, cooking family dinner for “Soup Wednesdays,” and jumping into the water at Racing Beach almost every day before class (you know it’s going to be cold when there is ice lining the shore!). I have enjoyed settling into our daily routine, laughing during group dinners, and getting to know my classmates, who already seem like individuals from different backgrounds and schools turning into one tight knit family.
Tonight, my cabin and I hosted Soup Wednesday and went all out with a minestrone soup, bread, salad, vanilla cake, and banana bread to top it off for all 19 of us on campus! Quite the endeavor! The night was filled with singing in the kitchen as we cooked, stories shared at the table, and much laughter. Two of my very favorite things are cooking for people that I care for and being a part of large meals where everyone chats for hours. I am so happy that we all share Soup Wednesdays together, but even more importantly continue to cultivate strong friendships and bonds that will lead us across the Pacific from New Zealand to French Polynesia and beyond.
To Mom, Dad, Ethan, Eli, and Arya – Thank you for inspiring me to go after my dreams. I am living one right now, and that is very much in part due to your constant and unwavering support and love. I love you all so so much!
To my friends back at Eckerd, my AmeriCorps family, my grandparents and extended family, and friends across the country – I love and miss you so much! I cannot wait to share my adventures with you.
And, to my soul sister, Illia – I carry my token with me everywhere. I love you wherever you go, always.
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