Programs Blog
Day 9 at sea
October 12, 2023

conga line leader
Author: Ryan J.
Ship’s Log
Wednesday, 11 October 2023
Noon Position: (Lat and Long): 43° 30.3’N 064° 51.8’W Ship Heading (degrees): 080 degrees Ship Speed (knots): slow Log (nm): 583nm Weather / Wind / Sail Plan (from 1300 Watch Change): winds light and variable, sometimes from the south. Beam reach, starboard tack 4 lowers (jib, fore and main stays’l, and mains’l) Description of location: About 50 nm south of Lunenburg, Nova ScotiaStarting off – HAPPY BIRTHDAY MRS. STIRRATT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ocean is epic and so far it has gone like this: there are four
watches every day—morning watch, afternoon watch, evening watch and dawn watch. Each is 6 hours long and afterwards a watch has 12 hours off until their next 6 hours on. Breakfast for ongoing watch is at 6:20, breakfast for offgoing watch and lazy watch is at 7. When we’re not on watch, we’re free to sleep, chill, and wander the boat as we please. A lot of us read and journal on the Elephant table, which is the roof of the ship’s lab. We can also lie out on the head rig, the net at the very front of the boat. This is the best when it’s sunny out. On watch, we are split into three different areas: on deck, the lab, or helping in the galley. There are always 3 people on deck, 2-3 in the lab, and 1 person doing dishes. On the day a watch has dawn watch, one person from them is assigned to be the steward for the day and cook with our lovely Raechel and Sebastian. Tomorrow, for example, C-Watch has dawn watch and our very own Isabel will be steward for the day instead of joining us on deck at 1am. On deck, we rotate between being the helmsman and lookout, or performing hourly boat checks and weather reports. In the lab we help with deployments or processing deployments and all that jazz. This morning I was woken up by Tessica Gatti from Bravo watch at 6:00A.M, since my watch was on morning watch from 7A.M. to 1P.M. I fell asleep the night before at around 8:30PM reading 1984 which I found in the aforementioned library. Mom you were wrong I have already finished all my books!!!!!!!!!!!!! Except for Little Fires Everywhere – it just didn’t resonate with me. But it’s okay because in the library they have It Ends With Us which I know you love and I plan to read after Emma finishes. Anyways you’d think that with nearly 10 hours of sleep I’d be ready to attack the day, but I was very sleepy. Luckily Riley was the steward today and clutched up with the banana bread and yogurt combo for breakfast. After munching up I went back to my bunk to layer up, got my red smartwools underneath my work pants, my white long sleeve with my wool UGA sweater on overtop, and my pink beanie.Today I was in the lab with my favorite scientist, Jordan Eckstein, our crew’s 1st scientist, along with Tally Ho Stirrat and Jackson Ganache. We had a busy day in lab today – we deployed a Shipek Grab, Secchi Dish, CTD (Conductivity, Temperature, and Depth profiler), a Neuston Net and a surface station. One has to wonder, why are we doing all this science when we’re here to sail? Honestly, I really don’t know. We need data for our oceanography projects. The other day though, on evening watch, the wind was WHIPPIN’ and we were not sailing so that move at the slow pace necessary for science deployments. But, I argued, we could be whippin’ right now if we just set a few sails! But we must know the amount of meroplankton instead of getting to Nova Scotia earlier. Pick your battles I guess.
The deployments were a lot of fun and being with Tallulah and Jackson allowed for a lot of laughs. We also set and struck down a bunch of sails so we were active. Morning watch is probably my favorite because it’s during the day, so I can literally see, but also once it’s done we still have the rest of the day. I say that even though after watch today I ate lunch, read some of my book and then sacked out until Jordan woke me up for dinner. Lol! Tomorrow I have dawn watch. Dawn watch is brutal. Here’s hoping that this time there will be the lovely sunrise I’ve been waiting for. I am HYPE for tomorrow – we arrive in Nova Scotia, we can do our laundry, we can call home, and we get to meander on land and see what’s up with Canadians. Also I can see my favorite maritime studies teacher, Ben Caw Hen, our maritime studies teacher. On Friday we are to spend the entire day ashore with Ben maritime studying, and Saturday we depart Lunenburg and head for Bermuda. Ocean is an intricate mix of challenging and fun. We have so many good things on the horizon and I’m soakin’ up every minute of it.
Get ready for those phone calls y’all. Rem, Dad, Blajo and Debbie – be on
your phones! Also – proctor people check your mailboxes. I wrote you. All my love, Ryan J., Crab watch or “cwatch”Recent Posts from the Ships
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