Programs Blog

Last Day on Land

December 07, 2023
Take a closer look…

Author: D’Elle Martin, University of Hawai`i at Mānoa

Ship’s Log

7 December 2023Current Position: Napier PortShip’s Heading and Speed: NoneWeather: Sunny with some clouds

Hello all,We’ll be leaving Napier port soon, sailing out into the open ocean onceagain. Napier left us with time to explore and catch up with loved ones;maybe it also gave everyone some last minute laundry runs, as well as timeto see everyone (All Hands) at meal time! But most importantly, it marked aturning point in our journey – coming back home.Napier left us with a lot to think about. We learned of the sun, the stars,and the creation of natural forces. We learned of the hardships faced byrebuilding Hawke’s Bay after Cyclone Gabrielle—the mental strain andcommunity burnout. We saw the mountains of silt, the hazards of “slash,” andthe remnants of spray paint on rooftops marking evacuated houses. We talkedof both social and natural indicators of mitigating future disasters,stressing the need to take the time to celebrate the progress made so far.Napier was the destination, and now it is the jumping off point.We are headed back to Auckland.Signing Off,D’Elle Martin (B Watch)University of Hawai`i at Mānoa P.S. Shout-out to the Engineers Abby and Angi for keeping the ship running!Shout-out also to Tierney and Amy! B-watch will miss you!!!P.S.S. Sending love back home to Mom, Dad, Nika and Duncan. As well asGimllii, Sunka, Fred, China, Spotty, Pepper, Shadow, Phoenix, Dragon, andPrincess Marshmallow.