Programs Blog
Dreaming About Pin Rails

Author: Delphine Demaisy, C Watch, College of the Atlantic
Ship’s Log
February 19, 2024
Position: 38deg26.860’S ; 178deg33.080’E Heading: 215 Speed: 6.9 knots Weather: Today’s weather was enjoyable with winds coming from the NNW with an average of 4 on the Beaufort scale. Sea conditions were also favorable, ranging from 2 to 5 on the Beaufort scale. The pressure remained high throughout the day, and cloud coverage decreased considerably from 7/8 to 1/8.Kia ora friends, families, and blog readers! It has probably been a couple of days since you have had some news from the Robert C. Seamans. I am here to tell you that all is good and that the whole ship’s company has had a great time getting underway in Aotearoa New Zealand (ANZ) in the past couple of days. We officially left Auckland Harbor at 0800 on February the 16th, and have been making our way south, cruising along the East Coast of the North Island. These past days have been extremely exciting as all students are slowly getting oriented to the ship and to the lifestyle of 6 hour watches. While this acclamation has been gradual, we are learning tons of new information every day. Our first day underway was extremely memorable; starting with a spat of rain and moderate sea conditions, spending the afternoon with spinner dolphins riding off the bowsprit, and ending the day with a swim call while anchored in the beautiful turquoise water of the Hauraki Gulf. This first day underway seems like a lifetime ago, as we have since sailed a long way, gotten to know our ship better, stood our first full watches, and done our first few science deployments. Tomorrow is a big day, and all of us students have been working hard to learn our sails and memorize the 80 pin rails that hold the lines that allow us to maneuver our sails to take advantage of the wind, and cruise smoothly along the deep blue waves of the South Pacific Ocean. All of us have been walking fore and aft the ship, talking to ourselves and repeating the names of the pin rails as we see the lines, imagining ourselves hauling, tacking or bracing sails. I have no doubt that some of us will be repeating those names until we fall asleep in our bunks tonight, dreaming about winning the pin rail chase that will take place tomorrow. Today has been exciting and amazing, just like every day I have spent in ANZ so far. As part of C Watch, I got woken up at 0600 this morning to stand morning watch and to get ready and head to the main salon at 0620 for a delicious breakfast prepared by out two stewards and assistant student steward in the galley. By 0700, our watch relieved B watch on deck, who had been standing the dawn watch since 0100. We took the watch on a starboard tack under the jib, fore stays’l, main stays’l and tops’l, as the favorable winds had allowed us to sail for most of the night. Right after taking over, our watch set the mains’l, struck the tops’l and braced square, before eventually heaving on a port tack to slow the ship down and conduct science deployments mid-morning. I stood watch in the lab today, where we collected a lot of data. We deployed the carousel for CTD data collection and Niskin bottle sampling at depth, deployed the Phytoplankton Net to collect data on primary productivity, performed a Shipek Grab for sediment sampling on the ocean floor, and deployed a neuston net to collected critters that indicate secondary productivity. Our morning watch also did some bird counts and completed chores. My fellow C-watchers took turns completing hourly boat checks, steering at the helm, acting as lookouts, recording weather, and plotting our position on the nautical chart while I was in the lab. We were relieved by A watch at 1300, and got to enjoy the rest of our afternoon and evening for ourselves. This allowed us to rest and be ready to be back on deck to stand Dawn watch at 0100, early tomorrow morning. I hope this post gives you a quick glimpse of what the life has been like for my 31 shipmates and I in the past few days on the Robert C. Seamans, and am excited for them to keep sharing our journey with you all through thisblog on a more consistent basis in the future. I wish you all well and want to tell my friends and family that I love them very much, and that I am having the time of my life at sea on the Bobby C!
Hear more about the journey from Woods Hole to Aotearoa New Zealand through Tiegan Paulson’s, College of Atlantic, Podcast.
Leigh Marine Lab
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