Programs Blog
Today I Shot the Sun
February 28, 2024

Author: Tiegan Paulson, B Watch, College of the Atlantic ’25
Ship’s Log
February 27, 2024
Position: South of Cape Palliser
Speed: 6 knots Log: 1103nm Weather: Wind Force 4-6 out of the North, clear skies all day. Seas 4′, primarily northerly.Heyas,
Only a few places have stolen my sense of time and the Robert C. Seamans is one of them. Things that happened yesterday meld into the confused timeline of the last ten days. Suddenly the deck log feels a lot more important; I wouldn’t have any idea how far we’ve come. The world would revolve entirely around the first minute of On Board, a song which hasn’t left my head since we left Auckland. I’m thoroughly and unfortunately sick of it. Unfortunate, because I love the song – but hopefully will be able to come back to it when I’ve been able to sit with other melodies.That aside life is good. We entered the Cook Strait proper today
and have been on the southeast edge of it since about 0900. The wind whipped up to a solid Beaufort Force 6 soon after that remained until this afternoon when things finally settled down. Seeing the strait so alive was a real treat, even if it limited our canvas. We made our science deployments, plotted our way southwest.By far the highlight of my day was completing my first
successful sextant measurement. At 10:54:32, Log distance 1076 nautical miles, I successfully ‘shot’ the sun at 41o 48.0′ from the horizon. I still haven’t done the math to calculate the exact position, but knowing that the shot was accurate is exciting. With any luck we’ll continue to have clear days so I can keep practicing. Major props to 2nd Mate Charlotte for patiently walking me through the process despite several goofy mistakes. The next steps from here are to reference the suns ‘geographic position’ at the exact time I made the shot and use the angle to get a circle of potential positions on the globe. What I still don’t understand is how you narrow it down from there, which means what I currently understand doesn’t help me understand a whole lot, but hey – you have to start somewhere. I’ve gotten through step one!Tucking in for the night, I’ll be the student steward tomorrow!
Get ready, world, here comes my cooking. Tiegan Paulson, B Watch, College of the Atlantic ’25
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