Programs Blog
Within the Bioluminescence
March 14, 2024

Author: Kristin Zunino, College of the Atlantic (C Watch)
Ship’s Log
March 9, 2024
Position: 40°39.239’S x 170°45.735’E Heading and speed: 190°, 6.3 knots Weather: Force 7 winds coming from the SSW and 4 foot seas from the S. It is cloudy out with cirrus and altocumulus clouds. The temperature is 14°C.The day started for C watch at our 0100 watch rotation. It was a beautiful
night motor sailing along to our waypoint within Otago Anchorage where we will soon anchor for the night (as of 1700 when I’m writing this). We have started shadowing our mates, 3 hours of the watch we learn, observe, and ask as many questions we have about their role in operations. Plus, we get to assist in these activities to better hone our ever-advancing training including: turnovers, check-ins with the captain, more chart handling, course order changes, monitoring traffic, and calling out sails. Overall, I think Julian and I did a great job shadowing. The watch was fun! We struck the jib and went out on the head rig to furl it. It’s always a surreal experience clipping in on the head rig during the night hours. In between the netting all one sees is darkness and gleams from the water below. It feels as though we shouldn’t be there, yet know that we are safe and aware of our surroundings. Though we worked in the hours of darkness, there was light all around us from the stars in the sky to the bioluminescence below. The stars were absolutely breathtaking tonight lighting up the night sky. A ghost-like path of the milky way ran through the sky and the Southern Cross. The Southern Cross is right where it usually is, shinning bright directly above us with the rest of the stars rotating around it. We can see at least two planets tonight: Venus and Mars with its orange hue. Below water was lit by the abundance of blue bioluminescence. The blue glow activated by us making way through the water. They filled the waters next to us on either side. Dolphins came to join, blue glows moving over their bodies as they dipped in and out of our wake. Everyone rushed to the bow to see them. It was mesmerizing to watch… one of my favorite things from dawn watches thus far. This watch in particular made me feels grounded and at peace with everything in life. The ocean is so lively around us. The liveliness really hit when I woke up for lunch to the force 7 winds and 5 foot swells A watch was navigating through. Questions I have since being underway (I don’t want answers): – Do dentists get commissions on each tooth they pull? If so does the price range based on type: baby teeth, molars, wisdom teeth, etc.? – What is the noodle that is spiral like a perfect curly fry, is hollow like a tube, and starts with a ‘c’ (good for mac n’ cheese)? – Can you overdo it with electrolytes? What is the limit? – Hypothetically would a bull shark more-likely attack someone in the ocean or in a river? – Why does Swiss cheese not melt well? How do the holes get there? – Who decided to have a leap day every four years? I understand why we have one but what was the name of the person who decided this? – Is tonic water just seltzer in a fancy bottle? – What’s the fastest time someone has eaten corn on the cob (cooked)? – How old would Abraham Lincoln be right now if he was alive? – Can one truly be a biohazard to one’s self? Kristin Zunino C Watch College of the AtlanticRecent Posts from the Ships
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