Programs Blog
Last Days before the Caribbean!

Date: October 8, 2024
Location: SEA Campus, Woods Hole, MA
Weather: Feels like fall!
Hi! My name is Sydney Lynch, and I am the Program Assistant for the first ever shore-based Coral Reef Conservation: Caribbean program! I am writing this blog entry on the last day of our SEA campus component, and I can’t believe the time has come to head down to the Caribbean.
The last few days have been what we call “transition days” here on campus. They serve as a time to rest, pack, and get ready for the next phase of the program. They’re also a good time to do some fun things as a group before leaving the Cape!
On Saturday we started the day with a trip to downtown Woods Hole for breakfast at Pie in the Sky. The weather was perfect, and we got a little taste of fall before we head down to the heat. At night we all went up to the Madden Center and prepared for our next portion of the program by watching Pirates of the Caribbean.
Sunday we had an important job to do, and that was to cheer on Craig [Marin, environmental history professor] as he biked 100 miles in the Buzzard’s Bay Watershed Ride. We ended up cheering for many Craig-imposters as everyone looked the same with their helmets and sunglasses on, and we forgot to ask him what his number was.
Yesterday we prepped for our reef surveys by playing some fish and invertebrate bingo! These students are highly motivated by candy, specifically Almond Joys. Later in the day we journeyed into town to go bowling. Jeremy beat me by one point, and I’m just a little salty about it.
Today was a busy day full of packing, cleaning, and trying to get our bags to weigh less than 50 lbs. It took time and some questionable measures (@Sara) but I think we are all good! Some of us might have to wear some extra layers on the plane.
We ended our final day on campus with one of my favorite things to do in Woods Hole: sunset at The Knob. It was a great way to wrap up this chapter and get excited for what’s to come. The next sunset we see will be in St. Croix!!
I have had a blast getting to know these students over the past six weeks and am so grateful I get to be with them on this journey down to the Caribbean. Stay tuned for more blogs to come!

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