Programs Blog

Lessons Learned While Aboard Mama Cramer

April 26, 2019
Abby and Jane on the forward bow.
Abby and Jane on the forward bow.

Abigail Kwiat, C-Watch, University of Connecticut

Ship’s Log

Current Position
North Sargasso sea

Course and Speed
Hove to, 1.2 knots

Sail Plan
Forestays’l, Mainstays’l, and storm tris’l

Wind SWx S, force 5; Sea SSW, 4

Souls on Board

Hello everyone!

I am currently sitting in the hot (but cozy) library of the Corwith Cramer, looking back at the whirlwind of events that have happened over the past couple of weeks. Five days have passed since we left port in Bermuda, but it feels like we were just there exploring the beautiful island and its abundance of wildlife. Although there is so much to share with all of you, I figured I would write my post about some of the most valuable lessons I have learned as a student with SEA and crew member on this ship. I also wanted to dedicate this post to my extraordinary watch mates whom I have grown to love and depend upon for support throughout this once in a lifetime adventure. Also, to Captain Jason Quilter and Chief Scientist Kerry Whittaker for the tremendous amount of guidance and knowledge you have provided me with! I cannot thank you enough.

I’ve assembled a short list of my top 3 lessons.

1) Always try and see the bright side of things. Life onboard the Cramer while sailing the high seas can be difficult. For some, there is the constant battle of seasickness. Others may face the challenge of trying to pipette small amounts of fluid in the lab at 0100 while the ship is rolling and pitching. Unfortunately, there are always negatives that come with the positives. Try to dwell less on these and more on what you are getting out of the experience.

2) Rely upon your shipmates for support ALWAYS! Pictured here is my amazing friend Jane Sheng. Jane is an international student from Anhui, China and goes to school at University of Washington. Although she has only been in the United States for approximately 2 years, she speaks almost fluent English. How awesome is that? I chose this picture to go along with this post because Jane has always given me so much support and I cherish our friendship deeply.

3) Always remain grateful for your family and friends back home. Going away for an extended period of time reminds me how much I miss and love you all so very much.

I wanted to give a special shout out to my Mom, Dad and twin brother David: May the lord bless and keep each of you safe. Shahbaz: I love you lots and I’ll be home before you know it! I can’t wait to be in your arms again.

– Abigail Madison Kwiat, C-Watch, University of Connecticut