Programs Blog
No Rainbow, No Rainbow

Author: Aronah Swartz, C Watch, College of the Atlantic
Ship’s Log
Monday, April 22, 2024
Noon Position (Lat and Long): 31°39.5’S x 146°16.1’W
Ship Heading (degrees): 346°
Ship Speed (knots): 6.1 kt
Taffrail Log (nm): 2803
Weather / Wind / Sail Plan (from 1300 Watch Change): ExN winds, Beufort Force 6, on and off squalls, motor sailing under the stays’ls
Description of location: South Pacific Gyre Core
I’ve finally been getting homesick recently. It has been a chaotic past
couple of days with new experiences, new challenges, and new lows. I will
also share some of my highs, but I thought I should start with my recent
struggles… A few of my new lows are:
-being constantly wet or damp/sticky in some way shape or form (the weather
has been quite rainy and windy recently, as well as the increase in humidity
as we grow nearer to the tropics). This also makes it pretty hard to do
laundry when there are no more dry days. I am now heavily recycling my
clothes and I am not a fan.
– rough seas cause for “almost sleepless nights,” meaning despite how
stuffed and wedged in I make myself in my tiny bunk, with stray clean “ish”
clothes, my sock bag, an extra pillow and a big fuzzy blanket, it seems as
if I am being rocked to sleep like a big baby BY A CRAZY PERSON.
-the constant need to hold on to something in order to not slip and fall or
bang into something is hard. I think most people on this ship have had their
moments of minor injury due to gravity and a not-so-level-floor. Some people
have gotten hurt because of this and it’s quite scary. Food has been spilled
and bowls have been broken. The consistent, loud, clings and clangs coming
from pots and pans in the galley knocking against each other, and the
silverware drawer tumbling around on each roll create an angry orchestra
down the hall.
However, despite all of these tiny frustrations and some scary moments, I am
among people that make me feel safe. The good outweighs the hardships. Even
though I do love the rain, getting my only pair of clean/dry clothes wet
while on lookout in the pouring rain was a little upsetting. But, at the end
of my lookout shift there was a rainbow. It was still raining, but mother
nature gifted me the most deserving, magical present. There can be no light
without darkness, right? There can be no rainbow without the rain. Sometimes
it’s hard to find light in a dark moment, but the light will always be found
We are more than halfway through our voyage already and I have learned so
much, witnessed so much love, beauty and freedom in my time here in the
middle of the ocean. It continues to blow my mind that a couple of nights
ago the ISS (International Space Station) orbited above us, with those
astronauts up in space being the closest humans to us.
My favorite day so far on this trip was a couple of days ago. It was pouring
rain, I was down in the library drawing and making art with some of my
fellow C watch pals and all of a sudden a voice is widespread on the ships’
intercom… “there is a whale” in the most casual monotone voice, said Rocky,
the Chief Mate. Everyone let out bursts of happiness and excitement in quiet
screams, the salon was emptied immediately and everyone rushed up to quarter
deck, no raingear, some even shoeless…cough cough. MEGAN (my fellow marine
mammal fiend). It was breathtaking watching the two Sei whales watch us. The
mother and calf pair followed our ship for a little over an hour, doing
belly rolls and big twists, showing off at the same time as checking us out.
I managed to allow myself to slip away quickly to my bunk to grab my camera
and some rain protection. I’ll never forget it.
These sunrises, sunsets and rainbows I’ll never forget, these friendships
I’ll never forget, the silly and sad moments, how could I possibly forget? I
either wrote it down, have a picture, or it’s ingrained in me now.
Chag sameach to my family and friends celebrating Pesach. I miss you all and
can’t wait to tell you about my adventure. I am strangely craving some
matzah cereal right now?!
Lila bug I miss you so much and I can’t wait to give you the biggest,
longest, squishiest hug when I get home. Kiss on the kepi from me.
Mama, I made shackshuka and your sweet potato latkes for my stustew day,
everyone loved it and I made it solely from memory and sniff-testing spices.
Everyone loved it. The stewards would make it again, however, we have a
scarce amount of eggs left. I miss you and your cooking as well as your
green-filled fridge. I hope your sewing some seeds so I can help you with
the garden when I am home. Love ya mama. Muah.
Papa G, last week I had a realization that the part in my hair has a memory
and is in the same spot that I always asked you to make it in when you would
do me and Lila’s hair when we were little. Love you to the moon, around the
moon and off into space cause I love you endlessly. If you see nana and
grandpa, give them a big hug for me.
Mason, I think of you every day. Hope u and the fam are well <3
Happy belated birthday to Anneka’s aunt and grandma!
Happy early birthday to Davi’s mom and dad!
Peace and love, as Ringo Starr says,
Love, Roni
Aronah Swartz, C Watch, College of the Atlantic
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