Programs Blog

Sunrise to Sunset, a Day in the Life

May 28, 2018
Sun is setting on a long and eventful day.
Sun is setting on a long and eventful day.

Casidhe Mahuka, A Watch, American Samoa Community College

Ship’s Log

Current Position
Anchored Opunohu Bay, Mo’orea, French Polynesia

Ship’s Heading and Speed

Sail Plan

Light breeze coming from the South East and calm seas in the bay.

Souls on Board

The day started on the Robert C. Seamans before the sun had the chance to wake. She’s alive 24/7 with people manning her to make sure she stays alive, along with the crew members that live in her. Today, I began my first night watch (super exciting!) with my watch member, Riley at 0200. We are assigned at least twice a day to do a boat check. Completing a boat check includes the following: making sure the life rafts are tied down, no lines are loose, engine room, heads and showers, cleared soles, closed curtains, lights are off, clean salon and kitchen, and things that I can’t remember at the moment. These watches are done 24/7 to guarantee our safety (we are COMPLETELY safe, family members. so no need to worry).

Sun is just about to start the day. Sun is just about to start the day.

Today’s breakfast was awesome! (It is great every day and we are fed all the time, need to worry family). We had scrambled eggs and hot pancakes with the topping choices of blueberries, raspberries, strawberries, Nutella, syrup, homemade peanut butter, and butter. We then are put to work!

We were separated into our watch groups (A, B, and C) and put into three separate trainings: nautical science – terrestrial navigation and chart plotting, setting sails, and going aloft. Nautical science training was with Captain Pamela and we were able to learn how to find bearing points in order to determine our location by using reference points on land. Our next training included setting sails with second mate, Rebecca. She taught us how to tie knots and fold up our sails into burritos on the head rig (the netting on the bowsprit of the boat!). Our last training was going aloft!

We climbed up the shrouds and had the option to go out on the yards, but I did not do that because I am scared of heights! We then took a break for lunch! We had cauliflower and beans, quinoa salad, veggie salad, and baked chicken. It was amazing, as usual. We then started our marine biology preparation for our coral reef surveys. Afterwards we went for a little swim top get comfortable with our snorkel gear. And finally, everyone prepped for dinner and began their individual watches. (We are fed so much, but we are constantly moving and burning so many calories. It’s awesome!) I am now wrapping up the day by doing my laundry with salt water to conserve the fresh water. It was a long and eventful day. Every second is occupied and I am super grateful for the opportunity to be a part of an awesome crew.

Grateful quote of the day: If you observe a really happy person, you will find them building a boat, writing a symphony, educating their children, growing double dahlias in their garden, or looking for dinosaur eggs in the Gobi desert. They will not be searching for happiness as if it were a collar button that has rolled under the radiator. – adapted from W. Beran Wolfe

– Casidhe Mahuka (A Watch crew member name: Mahooks), American Samoa Community College

PS to loved ones back worries, I’m in good hands.